In case of intestinal or stomach concerns, a gastroscopy or endoscopy may be recommended by your doctor.
These non-invasive techniques will let your doctor examine your internal organs without making major incisions. However, there are certain differences in gastroscopy vs endoscopy. The term “endoscopy” is more general and refers to various methods used to examine the human body. On the other hand, gastroscopy would be explained as a subtype of endoscopy procedure. Risk of infection, anesthesia, need for an incision, pre-preparations, etc., may differ slightly between different endoscopic procedures.
Let us see how gastroscopy vs endoscopy procedure differs.
What is an Endoscopy?
Doctors at an endoscopy clinic Toronto will examine your stomach organs or colon using an endoscopy procedure. It does not require a significant incision. The endoscopist will gently insert a long, thin tube with a camera throughout your mouth or rectum, called an endoscope. You will be sedated. The photos captured by the camera will be displayed on a screen for the doctor to make a diagnosis and treatment plan accordingly to the patient’s condition.
An endoscopy doctor will take tissue samples (biopsy) for further examination.
Depending on the cavity involved, further preparation processes may or may not be required.
What is gastroscopy?
A type of endoscopy known as gastroscopy looks at the upper GI (gastrointestinal) tract, which includes the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. It is also known as an upper GI endoscopy or an OGD. It can be used to remove foreign bodies, such as those accidentally ingested by youngsters, and is used to study digestive system issues, including stomach cancer. The scope is placed into the mouth during a gastroscopy procedure. Doctors may advise a gastroscopy for symptoms like stomach pain, blood in the stool, suspicion of peptic ulcers, and stomach cancer.
Your doctor at the gastroscopy clinic in Toronto can assess symptoms of ongoing upper stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, or trouble swallowing with an upper endoscopy. It is also used to identify the origin of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The doctor will take a biopsy (small tissue samples) for the most precise diagnosis.
A biopsy may be performed even if the doctor has no suspicions of cancer. For instance, your doctor might do a biopsy after you fill out the gastroscopy consent form to check for the ulcer-causing bacteria Helicobacter pylori.
Treatment for disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract also involves upper endoscopy. With minimal discomfort, the doctor can directly cure many health issues during this procedure. That’s one of the major differences between gastroscopy and endoscopy procedures.
Difference between gastroscopy vs endoscopy
There are several key differences between gastroscopy and endoscopy. These include the following:
- While an endoscopy evaluates several body components, such as joints, intestines, lungs, and pelvis, a gastroscopy only sees the esophagus and upper GI tract.
- The endoscope is inserted into the mouth during a gastroscopy, while it will be inserted through the rectum when doing a colonoscopy.
- An endoscopy may require general anesthesia, whereas a gastroscopy can be performed under sedation or local anesthetic. The given anesthetic depends on your doctor or clinic where procedures are happening.
- An endoscopy may result in a patient having greater difficulties than a gastroscopy. Chest pain, perforation, fever, chronic pain at the site of the endoscope, and incisional swelling are rare but possible.
- Endoscopy and gastroscopy, however, both carry substantially lower risks than any open surgery.
What should I do to be ready for an endoscopy?
It would be best to refrain from eating or drinking anything—not even water—for six hours before the gastroscopy. The doctor will inform you when to begin the fasting process.
Endoscopy and Gastroscopy at Canadian Place Endoscopy Clinic
Both endoscopy and gastroscopy are medical procedures that give doctors a non-surgical glimpse of internal organs.
Canadian Place Endoscopy Clinic provides gastroscopy and endoscopy procedures in a safe, professional, relaxing environment. Our skilled and multi-disciplinary medical professionals can chart detailed and customized treatment plans for patients to receive the best possible outcome. If you experience any symptoms concerning your digestive system, please feel free to contact us at Canadian Place Endoscopy Clinic.
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