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upper endoscopy to diagnose GERD

Upper Endoscopy to Diagnose GERD

Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is when acid regurgitates from the stomach into the esophagus, and affects 20% of people.


A burning sensation in the chest is the primary sign of GERD. This is a burning feeling that you get when the stomach sends back acid into your food pipe. GERD symptoms can also include vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.


GERD can be diagnosed by clinical examination done by a medical practitioner and reviewing the patient’s medical history. To validate a GERD diagnosis or assess potential consequences, a healthcare provider may suggest upper endoscopy.


Looking for reliable advice on how to prepare for the endoscopy? Contact us at Canadian Place Endoscopy and talk to Dr. Sundeep Rai, a specialist in endoscopy.


Upper Endoscopy

Upper endoscopy is a procedure and that is frequently carried out as an outpatient procedure. During this medical procedure at the best endoscopy clinic in Toronto, the upper portion of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, and duodenum) is visible through a tiny scope with a light and camera at its tip. Sample collection of tissue (biopsy) can be done during an endoscopy for further analysis.


Patients with acid reflux who do not respond to medication (proton pump inhibitors) to reduce stomach acid production for four to eight weeks or who have previously experienced esophageal narrowing or constriction with painful or difficult swallowing regularly are typically candidates for upper endoscopy.


Treatment of GERD

Your physician may start you on a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medication. PPIs reduce the secretion of stomach acid to treat GERD. The response of a patient to PPI medication can confirm GERD diagnosis without the necessity of other procedures.


To establish the cause of the symptoms, your doctor might wish to recommend further testing such as pH monitoring, or barium swallow, or upper GI endoscopy. That is why choosing the right endoscopist is important. You can consult Dr. Sundeep Rai at Canadian Place Endoscopy, the best endoscopy clinic in Toronto, for a comprehensive opinion.


How does it work?

An upper GI endoscopy is a short same day procedure, and can be performed in a hospital or an outpatient medical facility.


You will be required to take off all jewelry and change into a gown when you get there to prepare for the endoscopy. Vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen level will be checked by a medical practitioner, who will also insert an intravenous (IV) line into your hand or arm.


The actual upper GI endoscopy process typically takes 5 to 15 minutes and proceeds as follows:


  • Your doctor will ask you to lie down on your side on the examination table.
  • You will receive a sedative through an IV to aid with your relaxation. Along with the endoscope, you will receive a mouthguard to protect your teeth.
  • The endoscope will pass into your mouth and advanced to the esophagus, stomach, and duodenu. While this is happening, you may feel some pressure or discomfort, but it shouldn’t hurt.
  • The upper gastrointestinal tract lining will be captured on video by the endoscope’s camera during this period. To obtain a clearer image, the endoscope will inflate air.
  • Your doctor may decide to take biopsies.
  • Your doctor will remove the endoscope with caution once the treatment is complete.


Final Thoughts

An upper endoscopy is generally a low-risk procedure that aids in the diagnosis of digestive system issues by your doctor.


Following the procedure, you may experience bloating and throat irritation for one or two days. Results from biopsy samples taken by your doctor will usually be available in a few weeks. Canadian Place Endoscopy has the right expertise and experience to guide you through the process of endoscopy for GERD. Contact us today to get in touch with Dr. Sundeep Rai.