A Gastroscopy test should be performed on an empty stomach for maximum safety.
You must fast for eight hours before the Gastroscopy procedure to ensure your stomach is empty. Clear liquids (water, black coffee) can be consumed up to two hours before the procedure. If you must take any prescription medicine, you may do so with a sip of water for up to two hours. Please inform the physician if you have experienced any allergic or adverse drug reactions or if you are using blood thinners, are pregnant or nursing. If you have a cold or serious respiratory infection, kindly contact our physicians.
Our experts at the Gastroscopy Clinic in Toronto will help you with any related queries.
A gastroscopy is a test to examine the upper section of your digestive system, which includes your throat, food pipe (oesophagus), stomach and duodenum.
Eat a light dinner the night before your procedure; you may take soft food like mashed potatoes, Jello, etc. You should not consume anything red in colour. On the exam day, stop eating anything solid eight hours before the test.
Due to the sedation, you cannot drive for 24 hours. After the treatment, you will need to arrange a ride home.
Monday – Saturday
8:00AM TO 4:00PM
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